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My 2017 Resolution

Each year I set, or at least try to set several resolutions of things I hope to do over the next year. Usually these revolve around the usual things, exercising more, improving my hobbies, learning new skills etc. Cash is usually not a big focus in these resolutions, with little commitments, and the increase in income from starting work, not much thought is put into earning money beyond the monthly paycheck.

However, having worked for 3 years and now after getting the wedding settled and a new home on the way, it is time to get real and start seriously looking at my finances and earning power, something I should have done much much earlier.

As I start to look at where my career is going and the things I hope to do, along with all the commitments that come with growing up and starting a family, there is an increased desire and need to build up a base of passive income which I can fall back on in bad times or if I want to take some time to pursue something else.

There is a lot of talk these days about doing what makes one happy, following ones passions and dreams. In reality, this is something only possible if one is not struggling to make ends meet. One must first have the basics settled before fulfilling higher ideals like passions and happiness, and as one author notices, it is when these worries are aside that one can produce something better.

It is unlikely that I have the drive or the skills to become one of the high flyers in the legal industry, become a star entrepreneur, or a millionaire investor, and have huge cash reserves. But, I hope that, through some planning, I might be able to make what cash I have work harder for me and let me have that base to go after what might make me feel fulfilled.

To this end, I am starting this blog to encourage myself to find out and pen down ways and thoughts in building up a passive income portfolio, along with other ways to reduce expenses or get some spare cash on the side.

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